14/10/2022 In conversation with Sid Patel, CEO of Beverage Trade Network, Richard Siddle gives us some information on how to become a better editor.
When asked, if he had 15 mins of a coaching session with an editor, what things would he tell him/her to become a better editor, he answered, “I would look at the publication that they’re producing, be it a website or a magazine, and ask the editor who their reader is and get them to explain to me the issues that their reader is most interested in, and from that response, I’d be able to determine whether or not they’re really focused in the industry they’re serving.”
The five important aspects of an article are:
the who,
the what,
the how,
the why,
the when.
According to Richard, the editor’s job is to step back a little and really understand the meaning of the topic. Journalism is like a sport, you need to have the natural fitness or the natural capability to be able to increase or decrease your rate of work, depending on what you have and you need to be able to understand how to use those skills in a way that’s going to maximize your output.
Check out the full interview The Business Of Content Writing With The Expert | Inside The Drinks Business
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